Children's Book Review...
I have often wondered about Max Lucado's childrens books (and videos) and how Christ centered they are. The Children's Hour did a great review if you were also curious like me.
I am still taking recommendations on Christ centered children's book.
Well, I do have Noel Piper's book.
I had the same thoughts that you are having.
I guess I where I landed on it is:
Jesus came to die and save his enemies. My kids are enemies of God (due to sin) until they submit to Him by faith then they are born again.. into His family.. called sons and daughters.
So,I guess I add and qualify it.
I too have Noel's book. I also had the same concerns, but I'm realizing that the Lord's loving kindness and tender mercies are shown to all of us. Even the wicked are shown mercy. He keeps them from doing greater evils. He also causes it to rain on the just and the unjust and He even shows loving kindness to those who are ungrateful.
My biggest concerns have been a "man-centeredness" or "humanistic view" within the church, but I can't throw out the "mercy that endures forever". :o)
Also, I think if we define what love really is, we can think of God's love toward us in a very different way.
It is not "just" the "mushy-gushy", it is the corrective aspects, but it does include the warm and tenderness of the Father as well.
My two cents! :o)
God Bless!
Thank you for the kind words on my review. On MM's question, you may have seen my review of Mrs Piper's book as well. However, I have no concern about telling my children that God loves them. We must not lose sight of the fact that God does love the world (Jn 3:16). I know some seek to explain this in a more limited sense but that will not hold in John where 'world' most often refers to 'humanity in opposition to God.' D A Carson explains this well either in his commentary on John or in his Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God. It is true that unbelievers (including our unconverted children) are under the wrath of God, and it is also true that God loves them in some respect. This love is different from his love for His own, but the Bible does refer to God loving the unconverted. Thus, there is no problem with us using this language as well.
Thanks for mentioning my books, "Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers." I am a student at Dallas Theological Seminary. I saw the desperate need for children's books that offered something more than another re-telling of Noah's Ark or David and Goliath. Kids pick up on a lot more than most adults think and they are full of faith. So instead of exploiting their faith with stories about Santa Claus, let's direct their faith to the One True God!
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