Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Heart's Poem.

Why is it that so few
Would stop to contemplate You?

You, who are good, great and kind,
And has sent a gift to all mankind

You, who show us how to love,
As you were sent from up above

You, who came, a babe to be,
For all the world to hear and to see

You, who came to take our place,
And deliver us from Satan’s chase

You, who only have the power to make,
Us love the Truth and despise our state.

You, who only came to serve,
In dying a death that I deserve.

You, who at every knee will bend,
Either on this earth or after their end.

You who came to save and to find
Those who were sick and who are blind

As your Word says and as you command
‘Give up your sins and take My Hand.

Sins that once kept your heart so hardened
Will be gone and you will know My Pardon’

Oh how my heart longs to see your grace
Spread not to one but to every race.

Oh that all would long to know and taste
The Love of Christ which comes by Faith.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Elisabeth said...

that is beautiful

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Linda said...

Thanks Elisabeth. I orginally wrote it for the Coffee House.. but just got around to editing it.

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Homemanager said...

Hi Linda,
Very nice poem!
Have you written any others?
In our homegroup, we were reading and studying through the psalms. We encouraged each of the members to write their own Psalm. It was great! There were a couple of people who never wrote anything before who wrote beautiful expressions to the Lord.
God Bless!

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Kim from Hiraeth said...

What a beautiful poem!

I am so thankful that you visited my reading blog and left a comment!

I am getting ready to head out the door, but I will definitely be back to read more. . .subscribing. . .

PS: I answered your question over there.


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