Team Turtlefeet at the Richmond Race
Let me introduce Team Turtlefeet. Our Tuesday and Thursday morning track time showing has been around 20-30 people (includes kids). This has been just a fun time for everyone. It is open to anyone who would like to join us. We have walkers, runners, trikers, bikers, watchers and icepop eaters. It is such a treat to be able to run and monitor the kids the entire time.. either riding their bike around track, or playing in the long jump sand pit. They have lots of space, lots of friends and lots of fun. The attending ladies have been all ages and phases of life. It is fun to excerise together and chat or pray while we walk... (only some can talk and run at the same time.. I cannot.) It is mainly about our encouraging our relationships with each other... and in the process exercising (otherwise we could do the "exercising" on our own). As a goal to help us keep challeging ourselves to increase mileage (either in running or walking). Some decided to run in some races together. This past Saturday was our second. It was so fun to see Team Turtlefeet well represented. We had 9 racers (runners and walkers), 5 adults in the audience and 8 children cheer'ers. I think everyone accomplished their goals during this race... which is a bonus. But really the treat is that we did it together.