Thursday, October 26, 2006

Finally Four

Well, she is finally four. We had a wonderful little gathering of friends for a girls only dress up tea party. Sam was extremely dissapointed mainly because he knew we were going to have cake without him. My friend and I exchanged her girl for my son which worked out perfectly to get the only boy out of the house. The girls played dress up, tiara crafting and tea party with other little games along the way. I think the highlight was that everyone got to pour their own "tea" (actually it was water). It was sweet to see them all play so nicely together. What fun memories.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

To love with the Gospel

"To claim to be loving people and not share the Gospel is a contradiction."
-John Piper
(From the Sermon: The Present Effects of the Trembling at the Wrath of God" March 6, 2006)